OK, so everyone that knows me knows that I am a pretty level headed person right? But I do have a few pet peeves in the Dressage World. Some beefs are old, some are fairly new. Read on, and enjoy the rant!
10. People who reply to messages on the Internet, with NO clue as to what they are talking about. I’m not Ann Landers, but good heavens, how can you tell what a horses’ training problem is if you have never seen the horse! Is it a horse or rider problem? I classify them as “Arm Chair Professionals”
9. Half-Halts. Yes, there is such a word. Quite ambiguous I might add. But, it goes along with reason #10, if all else fails, Half-Halt. 9 out of 10 riders can’t describe it, or what the aids or the purpose is. It’s definitely a word that makes you a dressage coach right?
8. People who tell others those things are either legal or illegal in the show ring. For Example: Did you know that Wintec Saddles are illegal? Give me a break! It’s probably someone who is trying to sell a crappy leather saddle. Good heavens, if a Wintec was good enough for Isabell Werth to ride for Germany in the Olympics, then I think it’s good enough for the 98% of people who don’t get to the Olympics.
7. Memberships. I presently pay over $250 per year for memberships. EC, OEF, Cadora, the Arabian Horse Association, Canadian Trakehner Society. I don’t begrudge the fact that they do some good, but at least for my $110 that I pay to Equine Canada, I can at least have a hard copy of the FULL rulebook, and a monthly magazine for no charge!
6. Administration Fees at Shows. What do we pay entry fees for? I thought that entry fees are the administration fees. And they vary too. Some shows are $5, some are $20 some are FREE. Again I don’t begrudge the fact that shows have to cover their expenses, but again, isn’t an entry fee to cover the administration fee?. Perhaps the shows should re-word it. Like “we need more money, but afraid to put our ENTRY FEES higher”
5. Speaking of entry fees, shows that charge administration fees, PLUS another fee if you screw up your entry form. $10 for not putting in your Coggins, or copies of your memberships, or how about a late entry missing the ADMINISTRATION fee? $20 if you please. Then you can show at our show. Too bad if you’ve never filled out an entry form. We’ll just take your money until you get it right! Don’t forget to cross your T’s and dot your I’s. I figured out at one show in particular, that they could have had one of their judges paid for from peoples’ “mess ups” in submitting their entries.
4. Rollkur. It’s a heavily debated, never ending battle. On a recent message board, its comparison was made to the US Presidency! Don’t get me started. The Rollkur wannabe’s in this country ought to have their legs slapped.
3. Shamatuers. Sh-amateurs. Yes, that’s not a typo. These are the people who compete in shows that you know darn well are definite professionals. But for whatever reason, they seem to be proud of riding against the 9 to 5 ‘ers. You can take the SH in Shamatuers in a couple of contexts. Sham or Sh%t. Either way, I don’t like it.
2. People who lie about their credentials. Trainers and Coaches who have done nothing, who claim to people that they have been “The Bavarian Dressage Champion” (but they fail to tell you it was a walk-trot division) and trained with “Joe Blow” seemingly hanging on their “famous coaches’ shirt-tails”, having done nothing themselves. I especially like the people who were around many years ago, who come back rising like a Phoenix into “guru” status. They got caught in their lies and deceitfulness years ago, but waited a few generations of dressage riders to be born-again. Sorry, but I’ve been around for the past 30 odd years, and have a memory like a steel trap!
1. Coaches of National Dressage Teams riding in Walk-Trot Classes in a schooling show. This has come to light in the past few days. OH PULEEZE! Who are they trying to impress? Why can’t they have a student ride the horse, or further the horses’ training and come out in a walk-trot-canter class. Would you actually put your horse in training with a person who did this?