Monday, June 26, 2006

More Show Results from June 25th

Congrats to Marion McKeen on her sucesses at the last 2 challenge shows in the Hack Division! Marion sent me this great pic (above) today. Banner has done very well this year, with her best showing, a First Place in the Show Hack at the Milestone Challenge Series!
This e-mail is from Bill Bailey about Lauren and the other Arabian Dressage Riders who competed at the Canada South Primary Show in Leamington!
Hi Elaine,
We attended the Canada South primary show in Leamington this past weekend & I have some good resullts to report for the AHAEC site. The show had about 40 - 45 horses competing. The Arabians did very well. Mikayla Kudroc was champion in Training with Cameo with scores of 68.? & 71.?. The 2nd level was won by Holly Fahringer on Korus (67.9 & 71.?) with Lauren taking reserve (66.8 & 63.2) in a class of 8. It was an impressive day for the Arabians.