Friday, February 16, 2007

Innovative Student Produces Unique Product

Hey All: I am so excited for Dana! She's been working on her Martell System for the past couple of years. I've seen all kinds of prototypes tried, and ridden in over that time, and have had the privelidge of seeing this product being developed since it's inception.

Dana has even had an Olympic dressage rider/coach look in amazement at the product, and be really excited about it! It's been tried by International level riders, Equestrian product testers, and saddle makers receiving rave reviews!

I can't get into too much detail because of the provisional patent, but last Sunday I taped a 90second clip with Dana and Allie to be entered on "Pitch4Profit" on CBC!

This product will help you with balance, synchronization, and has a "safety" factor built in. Put it to you this way; I've seen Maverick buck, and Dana laugh her pants off, because she did'nt even come out of the saddle. It's awesome for sitting trot, and keeping your legs in the correct position.

Best yet? You can't see it! So I don't see any problem even using it in shows for ANY discipline of riding!

It really does work; I'm so looking forward for this product to launch, as I am the first one in line to get them!

Click on the title of this blog, and vote for Dana; so she can go further with this product with funding. The final voting for the public closes on Feb 19, so please go to the link and vote!