Monday, June 22, 2009

Paddocks Finally Finished!

Finally, we got the paddocks are done, and the horses are happy! Eisenstein and Sydney are happy together in the top photo, and Eisenstein is looking at Nova on the other side of the fence (next pic down). Annie is carefully watching the going's on with Nova!

The bottom pictures are the new paddock behind the house. Mav and Allie are chowing down in there. Still a few "tweaks" to do, but all the horses are now safely behind the 1 1/2" Electric tape.
I'm never ever renting a 2 man auger to dig post holes ever again! I don't even think 2 men could hold onto the thing go through the clay we have here. I still need a couple of more bracing posts, but things are still safe and secure, I just have to resurrect my post hole auger for the tractor.